The Song ‘Turn Around’
Jim Bruno:
The song ‘Turn Around’ was a song written by Mike Ardisson, with a message that is as current today as it was back then – we were urging people to turn away from the thoughts of war and the possible nuclear holocaust and the devastation it could cause – to turn around and focus on positive ideas.
The song was turned into a music video that we had hopes would be released and shown on MTV; we shot the video in the streets of San Francisco and up on rooftops. It was really quite an exciting experience, as video was the new medium that was launching nearly every new act in both Europe and the States, and we wanted to be in on it.
The concept was that we were players inside of a video game and simultaneously street people in the real world. We want to represent people from the lowest points of modern society all the way to countries battling one another, which was to represent destructive behavior across the entire social landscape, bottom to top.
We played the characters and, of course, we were the band. We inserted strange sounds every now into the audio, which was supposed to be shots fired within the video game. Bob is playing the video game.
There are many notable and even famous people in this video. To start with, both Mickey Thomas (lead singer of the Jefferson Starship) and his wife at the time, Sarah, are in the video. Sarah is the cocktail waitress and Mickey’s the guy who kind of looks like Zorro. The guy with the mustache in the old time flight outfit is an artist by the name of Gage Taylor, who was very famous to architects and engineer types, and there are others from the art world.
My mother, who is now passed away, was actually the person in the window looking out as Mike who was playing the thief running away on the top of a roof.
This video was photographed by Cinéma photographer and lifetime friend, Irv Goodenough. Irv was the cinematographer for many great videos including ˜Eat It’ for Weird Al Yankovic, ‘The Heart of Rock ‘n’ Roll’ for Huey Lewis and the News, ‘Lay It On the Line’ and ‘No Way Out’ for the Jefferson Starship and many other successful MTV videos.
Irv and I became great friends and remained friends until his passing.
No doubt it all looks pretty corny now, but back in the 80’s when we made this it was pretty contemporary. I can’t tell you how much fun we had making this video and how excited we were to be involved with such incredibly talented people.
It should be mentioned that no one ever saw this back then, as the video was never released. Until now.
Keep Singing!