Stickband 2018 Reunion Show – San Jose, Ca
Jim Bruno:
This reunion was great in so many ways. You know… music is such a wonderful spiritual experience. For me, playing music (other than family) has always been and still is my greatest joy as far as my passions go. The Stickband reunion was another great moment for fulfilling that passion; getting to reconnect in musical way with old talented friends is a wonderful gift. That’s exactly what happened.
Founding Members Jim Bruno and Bob Culbertson, right off of the stage at the 2018 Stickband Reunion Show in San Jose, California, talk about how it felt to play together a second time.
Michale Milburn-Jones joined the fun at the second reunion, and shares some thoughts on the experience.
Stickband Founding Member Bob Cooper reflects on the second Stickband reunion, and talks about the handoff of drumming duties when he left the band.
Right after the show, Verlene Schermer talks about the 2018 Reunion, reflects on her time in Stickband, and talks about her current projects and musical passions.
Don Telian shares his thoughts on joining Stickband and about returning to participate in the reunion.
Verlene Schermer performs a heartfelt song celebrating caregivers.